More about the SDF:
The aim of the SDF is to encourage a step-change, radical improvement in the performance of the UK's built environment, with our ultimate goal being healthy, environmentally sound and productive buildings that support sustainable lifestyles and communities.
The SDF delivers change through a series of learning networks, undertaking research and gathering evidence about leading-edge practices, providing education and training about their implementation, and then collaborating with leaders in each field to create exemplar projects, before finally measuring their actual performance and feeding this all back into the learning cycle again.
Our main programmes are focussed around groups of leading clients, with other members of the supply chain providing additional knowledge and support. Programmes include:
- the Good Homes Alliance - a gathering of leading-edge private and public sector housing developers and others (including Culllinans)
- SHINE - a learning network for sustainable healthcare estates
- LoCO2CO - looking beyond individual buildings to low carbon communities
- the Passivhaus Trust - a member-led organisation that promotes the Passivhaus standard in the UK.
For more information on the SDF, please contact: info@sdfoundation.org.uk